CancerInfo Center
Exercising is Fun with Phone Support
It's easier to be active when there's someone to keep you in line. Some cancer patients can stay on track with the help of a phone buddy.
Leukemia Rx May Work Well
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a type of blood cancer that usually grows slowly and can be treated with chemotherapy. But in some cases, patients do not respond to this traditional treatment.
Updating Info on CML Rx
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) was once a dire diagnosis. Now the disease can be treated successfully in most people. The disease has to be treated over many years to be kept under control.
Sign of Throat Cancer Risk Down the Road
A virus that’s been linked with cervical cancer is now known to be involved in a number of other cancers. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a major risk factor for oral cancers.
Is it Safe to Watch Instead of Treat Prostate Cancer?
Once learning they have cancer, most people want to do whatever is necessary to get the disease out of their bodies. In some cases, though, treating the disease may be unnecessary and more harmful than helpful.
Sex, Age and Surviving Cancer
A rare form of bone cancer, osteosarcoma, develops in about 800 Americans a year. A new study looked at how an individual’s sex and age affect survival.
HPV Vaccine Scores Home Run
Only one vaccine currently protects against an infection that can directly cause cancer — the HPV vaccine. Good news about that vaccine is that research is showing that it's working very well.
Colorectal Cancer Patients Who Live Longer
One key to beating cancer often lies in early detection. This fact forms the basis for cancer screening guidelines. Researchers recently looked at how colorectal cancer screenings impact the course of the disease.
Sex Makes a Difference in Cancer
Did you know that women who have cancer are more likely to outlive men with the disease? This is true for a variety of cancers. In terms of the worst form of skin cancer, women have an advantage that's not fully understood.
Genetic Judgment: It’s Not Cancer
Doctors don’t know why abnormal growths called nodules commonly show up on the thyroid. These growths are often nothing to worry about, but sometimes they are cancerous.