CancerInfo Center
Dell Goes for the Gold
Dell Computers has received a Gold Standard certification from the CEO Roundtable on Cancer commending the computer manufacturing giant as committed to employees' cancer prevention.
Jury's Still Out on Prostate Cancer Therapy
Interstitial brachytherapy may or may not hold advantages compared to other therapy options in men with localized prostate cancer, according to a new study.
Nanoparticle Treatment Targets Prostate Tumors
The cancer drug cisplatin can be more effectively administered once encapsulated in a nanoparticle that targets prostate tumor cells and activates upon arrival.
Race and Colorectal Cancer Screening
According to new research, the likelihood of individuals getting screened for colorectal cancer differs across geographic and racial lines.
Natural Born Killers
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have linked immune-system cells that react to a certain bacteria in stomach ulcers to a risk factor for developing stomach cancer.
Toxic for the Ticker?
A recent study from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute has found breast cancer drug bevacizumab (Avastin, Genentech) appears to increase risk of congestive heart failure.
Common Osteoporosis Drugs Linked to Increased Cancer Risk
Oral bisphosphonates, a treatment for bone disease, may double the risk of developing esophageal cancer (cancer of the gullet), according to a new study from the University of Oxford.
Ancient Fruit, Future Superfood?
Mangos pack more than delicious flavor, it turns out. The fruit indigenous to the Indian subcontinent has been shown to prevent and halt development of certain colon and breast cancer cells.
Circumcision Reduces HPV in Uganda
Randomized trials in Uganda have shown that circumcision reduces the risk of HPV transmission in heterosexual couples uninfected by HIV.
When it Comes to Tea, Go "Green"
Digested green tea is more potent than its fresh-brewed undigested form and may be useful in preventing Alzheimer's disease and even cancer.