CancerInfo Center

Saving Money, Saving Cancer Lives
Some people have a mutation in genes that help the DNA repair itself. This is called Lynch Syndrome, a condition that dramatically increases a person's risk of colon and other types of cancer.
Predicting the End of Life
When cancer can no longer be effectively treated, palliative or comfort care begins. Knowing how long one has to live can help patients, their caregivers and families plan better. A new predictor model is being developed to do just that.
Prostate Cancer Screening Upgrade
The cancer men fear most has no clear-cut means of being easily detected. The most common test commonly generates false results. A new test being developed may be more accurate and more reliable.
Measles Virus may be a Cancer Weapon
Before vaccines became available, measles was a common childhood illness that was actually a respiratory condition. Now, scientists are finding that this virus may be a powerful weapon against cancer.
Zinc Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells
An essential element - one the body doesn't make on its own - may be useful in battling pancreatic cancer. Zinc levels could be something scientists can manipulate to treat this cancer.
Cancer Therapy 2.0
While surgery is usually the first stop along the cancer journey, not all tumors need to be removed. Others are located in delicate, hard-to-reach spots. Technology may offer new solutions in these cases.
Pinpointing Lethal DNA
This puzzle is millions of times more complex than the Rubik's cube. Yet scientists are getting a handle on two genes that determine the prognosis for prostate cancer patients.
Vaccinating Vacancies
Each year, the United States has six million become infected with human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV is known to cause cervical cancer in women and associated with head and neck cancers in men.
Could Colon Cancer be Prevented?
While estrogen is primarily a female hormone, both men and women have estrogen receptors. Working with these molecules may lead to better ways to treat and even prevent cancers.
Is Liver Disease Being Spread Through Blood Supplies?
There may be something lurking in the American blood supply that's causing serious health problems. And a researcher suggests that screening for a particular virus needs to be instituted immediately.