CancerInfo Center
Statins May Reduce Liver Cancer Risks
Statins have been around for years to help lower cholesterol. Research has suggested that these medicines may help prevent cancer. A new study supports the mounting evidence.
A Step Away From Keeping Breast Cancer Away
One type of breast cancer usually defies treatment. Triple-negative (TN) breast cancer doesn’t have the molecules that drugs can fasten onto and kill. New research has found another route to controlling this aggressive cancer.
Keeping Track of CML
Staying on top of a chronic disease is key to staying well. Managing these diseases can be tricky. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a great example.
Do Positive Cancer Results Need to Be Redefined?
At what point should tests be considered positive for cancer? This may sound like a silly question. Physician scientists, however, don’t have a solid answer when it comes to lung cancer.
Is Drinking Related to Cancer?
Studies in the past have shown links between heavy drinking and cancer. Previous research has found drinking red wine fights cancer. But what about just drinking in general?
Trial Success With Ovarian Cancer Med
When chemotherapy doesn’t work, the future can look pretty bleak. But new medications to combat gene mutations that cause cancer can offer hope to patients.
Preventing Blood Clots Better Than Not
Who wants to be given a shot every single day for a month after surgery just to prevent the chance of developing a blood clot? People who really don’t want to get blood clots—that’s who.
Cancer Risks of Cancer Treatment
You do what you can – what you’re told – to beat the cancer. Chemotherapy is recommended and it works. Years later, though, you’re diagnosed with a blood cancer that could be related to the chemotherapy. Is this really happening?
Benign Breast Disease in African American Women
A woman is told something looks suspicious on her mammogram and a biopsy is ordered. When the biopsy doesn’t find cancer, her sigh can be heard around the world. And while this is good news, she may still need to be concerned.
Rx May Lengthen Life with Cervical Cancer
Good news has been released for women whose cervical cancer has spread, returned or no longer responds to therapy. A drug used for a number of different cancers may help these women live longer.