BabyInfo Center
A Nap a Day Keeps Tantrums Away
Skipping a nap - even for one day - has a significant effect on toddlers' ability to express enthusiasm and deal with frustration according to a recent study.
Thyroid Check for Prenatal Care?
More pregnant women may have low thyroid levels than doctors currently realize - over five times more than the currently accepted rate of two to three percent.
Outside Risk Factors for ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) causes kids who suffer from it to have difficulty focusing and controlling their impulses, which makes it difficult to do well in school and sometimes to get along socially.
Prenatal Smoking is Deadly
We've known for decades that smoking during pregnancy is potentially damaging for the baby, and has been linked to various birth defects, premature birth, underdeveloped lungs, low birthweight and many other problems.
Pregnancy after Kidney Transplant
Women with kidney disease or kidney failure often face fertility problems. If she is lucky enough to get a kidney transplant, a woman may improve her reproductive health. But is it still safe for her to get pregnant?
Does Exercise Beat All Types of Diabetes?
While exercise is key to preventing type 2 diabetes, it may not help women prevent diabetes during pregnancy. Even if that is the case, exercise can still provide many benefits to pregnant women.
Pregnancy Changes a Woman's Brain
At no other time in a woman's life does she experience the massive hormonal fluctuations as she does during pregnancy. New discoveries show that these changes may be creating a "mommy brain."
New Light on Stillbirths
A stillbirth is a traumatic event, and the underlying causes remain unknown in as many as half of them.
Gel Can Prevent An Early Delivery
If you’re expecting or plan on getting pregnant, there’s treatment that can help you have a safer, longer pregnancy. A vaginal hormone gel may prevent premature births, which can help women who have a short cervix and are at risk for delivering prematurely, according to a new study.
Your "Muffin Top" Produces a Bigger Baby
Are you convinced that your muffin top isn't hurting anyone, so there's no need to lose it? Think again. A new study shows that packing on extra pounds is bad for your baby - even if you're not pregnant yet.