BabyInfo Center

‪Open-Fire Cooking and Kids' Brains‬
There's nothing like a barbecue or roasting marshmallows over a campfire to bring a family closer. But too much exposure to open-flame cooking may affect a child's developing brain.
Taxes and Laws Help Moms Quit
If death and taxes are the only things in the world that are inevitable, then one is actually slowing down the other in this case.
Early Arrival May Affect Mental Health
Babies born ahead of their time might need more than tiny clothes. They may also require parents to be more vigilant for signs of developing mental illness in their children.
Children's Weight and Vitamin D Connection
Want to know one way you can potentially reduce your child's likelihood of becoming overweight before he or she is even born? Make sure you have enough vitamin D in your system.
Better Sleep for Leaner Kids
Helping an obese child lose weight can do more than reduce playground teasing. It could also reduce a child's likelihood of having sleep apnea or metabolic syndrome.
Mom’s Fevers Linked to Child’s Autism
Risk of autism may be increased by untreated fevers during pregnancy.  A recent study found that mothers who had a fever during pregnancy had increased risk of having a child with an autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ).
Mother’s Loss May Affect Infant
When a mother experiences a traumatic loss, her behavior toward and around her infant may interfere healthy development.  New research may offer moms and their babies help through a loss.
Air Pollution and Asthma Don't Mix
Pregnant moms, listen up: Stay away from areas with high air pollution. It can hurt your growing baby, especially if your child develops asthma.
If It's "Just Right," Babies Will Learn
Goldilocks Baby tried the calculus problem but thought "Too hard!" She tried picking up a block. "Too easy!" She settled on putting rings on a post. "Just right!" And so babies learn.
Diabetes Advice Just a Phone Call Away
Pregnancy can be a stressful time, especially if you have diabetes. Support from your partner and family can ease some of that stress.