AddictionsInfo Center

Spice Isn’t so Nice
The sale of artificial marijuana was nationally banned in 2012. With little to no regulation, there was no way to tell what was in the synthetic marijuana anyway.
Back Pain? Quit Smoking Now
Nicotine doesn’t help pain—it actually makes it worse. Patients with spinal disorders, who quit smoking during treatment, reported less back pain after quitting.
Drug Abuse Can Be Contagious
If Sally's brother John has a drug abuse problem, Sally is at risk for drug abuse too. But why? Is it more about the genes they share? Or is it about living in the same house?
A Black Eye in Teen Romance
Patterns of violence in romantic relationships often start young. And the effects of dating violence in the teen years carry over into the adult years.
Don't Throw These Leftovers Away
It's not uncommon to have leftover medications from a prescription you no longer need. If wisdom teeth sockets no longer hurt, most people stop taking the painkiller. But not everyone.
Secondhand Smoke and the Unborn Baby
So it's pretty clear that smoking while pregnant is a bad idea. But what if it's just those around you who are smoking? Does that affect unborn babies too? Possibly.
Hit the Books, Not the Bottle
College can be both an exciting and a rough transition from high school. Those who struggle with mental health issues may find it harder to stay in school.
New Drug Combo For Cocaine Addicts
Treating cocaine dependence is extremely tough. The science community is working towards making it a little easier with medication. A new trial has taken a step in the right direction.
Smoking Worsens Hangovers
Most ex-smokers can recall with frustration their smelly clothes and hair, as well as worse lung function. But did smoking cigarettes make hangovers worse as well?.
Smoking in Cars: Polluting Kids
Smoking in the car is only bad if the windows are up, right? Think again! Scientists found extreme pollutants from secondhand smoke in the backseat even with the front windows completely down.