Health News

Sunlight's Vitamin for Heavy Teens
In recent decades, obesity rates among children and teens have skyrocketed, putting many young people at risk of diabetes. Research has suggested that a lack of vitamin D may play a role in this risk.
Know Your Diabetes Risk
Diabetes is a big problem in America. And all too often, the people who are most affected by the disease are not even aware of their status.
Diabetes Patients with Chest Pain
Diabetes patients have a high risk for coronary artery disease and as a result, they may have chest pain. A commonly used anti-anginal drug, however, can provide relief.
Pharmacists are Key Players on the Diabetes Team
While diabetes patients need a doctor’s care, they can also benefit from a team approach. Pharmacists, with their accessibility and medication expertise, can play a vital role.
New Diabetes Rx Delivers Results
While several medications are already on the market to treat diabetes, not all patients have the desired control over their blood sugar levels. Alogliptin may offer a fresh option.
Fruit Doesn’t Hurt Diabetes Control
While it's hard to find a healthier snack option than a piece of fresh fruit, some docs have expressed concern that the natural sugars in fruit may cause issues for people with type 2 diabetes. Researchers put this thought to the test.
Weight Loss Surgery and Diabetes
For obese individuals who have had trouble losing weight, gastric bypass surgery may be an effective option. For those who also have diabetes, the surgery may come with an added bonus—stopping diabetes.
Brief, Hard Workout Does the Trick
Sometimes it seems that there are not enough hours in the day to make time for exercise. But a short, intense workout may be enough for some diabetes patients.
Losing Weight by Eating More Often
For those who like to eat often, there may be a diet plan for you. And for those who want to stick with just cutting calories, that still works to some degree.
Kids with Diabetes Need More Activity
Being overweight is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, which has been increasing in children and teens. But those already with diabetes still aren't active enough.