Health News

Smoking While Pregnant & Autism Not Linked
As the search continues for environmental factors that may contribute to the increasing autism cases, researchers are looking in every nook and cranny for possible associations.
Water Break Early? Hang in There!
You're nine months pregnant and ready to pop - but the due date is still a few weeks away. What do you do if your water breaks early?
Jabbing Pregnant Women
When the H1N1 influenza blew through in the flu season of 2009-2010, some worried about an additional flu vaccine to get. Pregnant mothers who got jabbed may have helped their babies.
Fetal Exposure to Meth & Emotional Instability
What the mother consumes, the fetus consumes. Study shows emotional problems later in life are common among young children whose mothers used methamphetamines while pregnant.
Air Pollution Link to Childhood Obesity
It may not just be chicken nuggets and french fries adding too much weight to children's waistlines. The very air pregnant women breathe might play a small role too.
Moms: Lose Weight Before Pregnancy
Every parent's hope is to bring a healthy baby into the world. Women planning a pregnancy can increase those chances by first taking a good look at their own health - and their weight.
Even a Little Overweight is Bad for Baby
If you think being just a little overweight won't present problems for your pregnancy, think again. Addressing your weight could mean a safer delivery for you and your baby.
Mapping the Brain’s Intelligence
The brain’s complexity is understood just a little bit better now. Apparently intelligence has to do with several specific parts of the brain working together to paint the big picture.
Arriving on Time Best for the Mind
Being born early or late already carries some health risks for both mothers and their newborns. Now there's evidence an early or late birth can worsen symptoms of children with autism.
Doing a Doubletake on Twins Rates
The number of twins born in the U.S. each year has almost doubled in the past three decades. And an increase in twins means increases in potential health problems and healthcare costs.