Health News

Comparing Medical Costs No Easy Feat
What if you could compare healthcare providers online by looking up out-of-pocket costs for different services? Choosing a healthcare facility this way would be much easier.
Herbs That Aren’t Friendly to Kidneys
Supplements containing certain herbs, like ginseng, may be potentially harmful for people at risk for kidney disease. The herbs in question are pretty common and in wide use.
A Facebook Fix for Organ Transplants
Friends, kin and strangers share all sorts of information through the various social media. In addition to sometimes silly personal stuff, serious health matters also find their way onto those online platforms.
CRASH! Was Your Child Buckled Properly?
Car accidents are still the leading cause of death in children aged 1 to 17. But using the proper restraints for children helps protect them a great deal.
Speech-to-Text Unsafe for Drivers
Drivers can have their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road and still be distracted. Using a speech-to-text cell phone function while driving may still be dangerously distracting.
Waves Knock Swimmers into the ER
Splashing around in shallow water at the beach may seem low risk, but getting knocked down by a crashing wave can be very dangerous. Awareness and caution may be the key to safety.
Parental Patrol of the Cyber World
Internet is everywhere. With some strange, harmful things that can be lurking online, kids could be accessing that, too. Who should teach our young ones how to be safe in the cyber world?
Many Designated Drivers Were Drinking
Designated driver does not mean "the most sober person in the group," but for many people that has been the case. Designated driver really means "the sober person in the group."
Beat the Heat Before It Beats You
When you hear of people dying from extreme weather, most think of tornadoes or hurricanes. But extreme heat actually causes more deaths than any other weather event, according to the CDC, who issued tips on being safe in hot weather.
Small Steps for Big Stroke-Reducing Payoff
When a stroke strikes, the results can be devastating. Survivors may suffer permanent disabilities. A few simple measures, however, may make a big difference in stroke prevention.