Health News
Cancer Cart Before the Horse
The last few decades have seen an incredible growth in the number and kinds of drugs used to treat cancer, including entirely new classes of drugs outside traditional chemotherapy.
Stronger Blood Cancer Drug Appears Successful
Part of the treatment for especially severe cancers of the blood is to destroy all the cells in the bone marrow that are responsible for making both the good and bad parts of the blood with radiation therapy.
Missing Leukemias Found
A recent study shows just how fragile the relationship between reported news and truth can be. The recent drop in reported myeloid leukemias over the last decade may be just a classification error.
No Bone Drug Better Than Another
Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the blood cells. It grows in the bone marrow, and can cause long bones like the thigh bone (femur) and bones in the spine to break. Drug therapy with a class of drugs can help to prevent these fractures.
CT Scan For Bone Cancer Triples Accuracy
Traditionally a series of x-rays of all of the major bones in the body are used to detect myeloid myeloma , a process known as a radiographic skeletal survey.
Yet in some areas, especially Europe, whole body CT is beginning to gain favor as testing indicates it is a more effective and thorough exam for measuring bone involvement in multiple myelomas , a bone-based form of leukemia.
Ask your oncologist about whole body CT scanning for multiple myeloma .
A formal comparison between the two imaging technologies was presented at the American Roentgen Ray Society's annual meeting by ...
Cancer Rx Linked to Second Cancers
Health Canada, the Canadian version of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), has issued an alert regarding the medication REVLIMID ( lenalidomide ) that's used to treat multiple myeloma .
Keys to Unlocking Multiple Myeloma Resistance
People living with the blood cancer multiple myeloma typically take two drugs in combination. The problem is these drugs don't work with every person and tend to fade in effectiveness over time.
Getting Beyond Cancer Drug Resistance
Some cancers respond well to chemotherapy in the beginning. After some time, though, the therapy may stop working because of a condition known as acquired drug resistance (ADR). Doctors are gaining ground in understanding why this resistance happens.
Overcoming Transplant Rejection
Blood cancers - leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma - interfere with the body's ability to make healthy blood cells. Scientists may have discovered a new way to treat these diseases in ways that offer new hope.
The Risks of Rural Life
It seems so idyllic - the farm life does. Yet new research finds that children who grew up on a livestock farm are at greater risk for developing certain types of cancer.