Health News
Symbyax for Bipolar – Does it Work?
Symbyax for bipolar disorder combines an antipsychotic med with an antidepressant into one pill. Having fewer pills to take may be easier, but it may not always be better.
Another Puzzle Piece for Expectant Moms
Untreated mental disorders are linked to newborn complications in pregnant women. But taking psychiatric medication has risks too. Again, the old question: What, then, to do?
Feeling Blue… While Pregnant
Pregnant women with depression have tough choices to make. Do they treat the depression with medication or skip the meds? How might either choice affect their baby?
At Risk for Stroke?
Taking any medication requires patients to balance the risks and benefits of the drug. But these vary by person because every person is unique. Antidepressants, for example, affect different people in different ways.
Baby Language Linked to Mom’s Mood
One of the concerns about taking antidepressants while pregnant is the possible effects on the baby. Surprisingly, these medications may help a baby's language development.
Comparing Therapies for Binge Eating
We all over-eat from time to time, but people with Binge-eating disorder (BED) do it so often that it can get in the way of daily life. A new study compared therapy and medication for BED.
Preventing Drug Abuse in Depressed Youths
Adolescents who get treatment for their major depressive disorder ( MDD ) before they begin abusing drugs are less likely to start. Early treatment is the best prevention method.
Costs and Benefits of Depression Drugs
Some people with depression do not respond well to traditional medications. New trends in treatment may be very helpful, but also very costly.
Antidepressant Safety During Pregnancy
Much is still uncertain about what drugs are safe while pregnant, so deciding what to take or avoid may require a tradeoff. Such may be the case for a common group of antidepressants.
Antidepressants and Pregnancy: A Trade Off
Expectant mothers with depression or anxiety may debate whether to continue or cease taking their mood meds during pregnancy, and it appears their babies are likely affected either way.