Health News

Add Sleep to Your Healthy Habit Checklist
It seems pretty straightforward: the more healthy behaviors you practice, the less likely you are to develop heart disease. But did you know that sleep plays a role too?
Stay Up Late, Eat More
The risk of becoming overweight if you don't get enough sleep has been known for a while among researchers. The question is what might be the cause of possible weight gain for sleep-deprived folks.
Too Big a Nightcap May Not Help Sleep
It may seem that throwing back extra drinks would help folks fall asleep faster and sleep better overall. But that may not be true for those having more than four drinks at a time.
Sunny Work Day for More Peace at Night
When workers can't get outdoors during the day, sitting next to a window is the next best thing. The light exposure can improve sleep quality and physical well-being.
Poor Sleep May Trigger Heart Attacks
For heart attack patients, getting post-traumatic stress disorder is fairly common. Those with PTSD are also likely to have another cardiac event, and sleep troubles may play a role.
College Health 101: Depression & Anxiety
College may be an emotionally exciting and challenging time for students. But if these challenges prove overwhelming, students should seek help for any mental health issues they experience.
Nature Versus Nurture in Babies' Sleep
It can be tough to pick out what influences a child's sleeping patterns. Some of it is probably genetic, and some is probably environmental. The trick is knowing which is which.
Sleep Apnea a Factor in Alzheimer’s?
More than 18 million American adults have sleep apnea. The condition is more common in the elderly, especially those with Alzheimer’s disease. 
Prostates Seem to Need 'Sound-Sleep'
If you have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, you're not alone. Many people know how frustrating these problems can be. But sleep problems aren’t just annoying; they could be unhealthy.
Dreaming of Colorectal Cancer
Poor sleep disturbs the body in all sorts of ways. Snoring affects our breathing, how much oxygen the body gets and how much sleep we need. And all of this may play a role in cancer risks.