Health News

Age Restrictions Didn't Stop Teens from Buying E-Cigs
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, may be increasing in popularity among teens. And teens may not have much trouble buying e-cigs online, despite being underage.
What May Be Keeping Your Teen up at Night
For many teens, it's second nature to reach for the smartphone or tablet when they have a spare minute or two. Those spare minutes can add up, though, and may affect teens' sleep quality.
Does Your Kid Play Football? Maybe He Should Wait 'Til He's Older
Letting young kids get out and play is great for their health, but parents may want to wait until their kids are a bit older before letting them play football — or at least only let them play touch football.
20 Years of Marijuana Research Summarized in New Report
States across the US continue to debate the merits of allowing medicinal and, in some cases, recreational marijuana use. Yet there’s still uncertainty about the long-term health impacts of cannabis.
E-cigarette Poisonings Increase
Electronic cigarettes have grown in popularity over the past several years. But greater popularity and use also mean more opportunities for children to find them.
Leaving the Nest with Special Needs
Millions of children grow up with long-term health conditions. They will need to continue receiving care as adults, but are they ready to take on that responsibility?
When Mom or Dad Is in Prison
Having a parent in prison can mean hardships for the entire family. But those challenges may not go away when the parent is released. There may be long-term consequences for the kids.
Blow to the Head, No Problem?
With America well into football season, the clashing of helmets has led to some major damage and blows to the head. But high school football players aren't too upset about it.
Outlining New Safety Tricks For Grandparents
Grandparents have always played an active role in raising children. However, their numbers as primary caregivers have been increasing recently. Are they hip to new parenting guidelines?
Checked Your Teens' Texts Lately?
Who would have thought a text message could put a teen on a sex offender list? Yet this is one of the more extreme possible consequences of the increasing trend of " sexting ."