Health News

Sleep Well, Hunger Less
If you're feeling hungrier than usual, take a look at your sleeping habits - are you getting enough sleep? If not, that may be the reason for the extra appetite.
Eat Mindfully at Your Favorite Haunts
Avoiding restaurants because of your diet? A new study says you may not have to if you make smart, "mindful" choices.
Calories For Fat, Protein For Lean Mass
Eating too much - but not enough protein - might mean you'll weigh less than heavy protein eaters, but you'll likely be carrying around a higher percentage of fat.
Low BMI May Contribute to Alzheimer's
Maintaining a weight that is overly thin can contribute to health problems in much the same way that being obese can. More recently a low body mass index has also been linked to early stages of Alzheimer's disease.
Better Life Style Produces Healthier Women
Moving on up in life has its benefits, including better health. Where you live can reduce the odds of a mother developing diabetes or becoming obese - both conditions that can shorten a woman’s life.
Shut Down Diabetes With Some Shut-Eye
Sleep is an important part of your health. Without your nightly shut-eye, your body would not get the rest it needs to prepare for the next day. A lack of sleep can also lead to certain diseases, including diabetes.
From Depression to Diabetes With Love
Depression takes a toll on more than your mind. It can also hurt your body. It is even possible that depression early in life may be linked to diabetes later on.
College Leads to Bigger Waist Lines
The change from high school to college can be exciting but stressful. The stress can be too much for some women and even men. This along with other factors can lead to an eating disorder.
Health Concerns for Kids
Children can be a handful and worrying about their health is just part of the job. For some parents, weight and drugs are on the top of that worry list - what's on the top of yours?
Planet Health Helps Prevent Eating Disorders
Prevention methods for the obesity epidemic are well underway. But, sometimes these techniques can be too forward and have negative side effects like children developing eating disorders.