Health News

Global AIDS Deaths Down
For decades, AIDS has been one of the world's deadliest epidemics. But a hard fought battle against the virus is yielding to progress, and resulting in fewer deaths.
Growing Resistance to Gonorrhea Treatment
Do you have multiple sex partners? Or are you at risk for other sexually transmitted diseases (STD)? It’s important to seek treatment if you have gonorrhea immediately.
West Nile Virus Linked to Kidney Disease
Just one prick from a tiny mosquito can infect you with West Nile virus. This infection can cause fever, muscle pain, diarrhea and various other symptoms. Apparently, it may also damage your kidneys.
HPV Vaccines For Boys
In 2007, Australia began including the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for girls in its National Immunization Program. Now, it has expanded the program to include boys.
For Olympians, Tough Skin is Necessary
Olympic athletes train to be the most mentally and physically tough competitors in their event. But for many, an unexpected condition can threaten a hard earned chance at success.
Flossing Your Cancer Risks Away
You've been told to floss at least once a day to keep your gums healthy. Keeping gum disease and inflammation out of your mouth could do more than improve your smile.
Shingles Vaccine Safe for More Patients
People taking immunity-suppressing drugs are currently advised against the live-virus shingles vaccine because there is concern that it could lead to shingles, for this population.
H1N1 Vaccine Linked to Nervous Disorder
One of the conditions known to be a risk following some flu vaccinations is the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barre syndrome.
H1N1 Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Women
There are several vaccines pregnant women are advised to get and several others they should avoid while pregnant. The flu vaccine is one pregnant women should consider.
Dogs & Cats Linked to Healthier Babies
When you bring a new baby into the home, what is the impact of the "babies" you already own… the four-legged furry ones who are baffled by this new creature?