Health News

That Sex Talk With Mom and Dad
The "talk" — teens don't really want to hear it. Parents don't really like bringing it up. But sex is kind of a big deal.
HPV, Vaccination & Cancer Rates
Prevention of HPV is now easier than ever, with two vaccines for adolescents and young adults. A simple, cost-effective pap smear test can detect early stages of HPV-related cancer too.
HPV Just Won't Go Away
Teenage girls have been targets of HPV campaigns over the last several years. But older women should be the focus as well, especially as repeat cases pop up in those already infected.
Sex When it's Not Sexy
It's risky business having sex. Getting intimate with a partner who does reckless activities can lead women to some yucky infections.
Treating STDs in Teens More Effectively
Are teenagers getting enough help in treating sexually transmitted diseases (STD)? A new study reveals that teenagers may not be getting adequate STD treatment. It's possible that doctors are not aware how they can help.
Little Risk for Diseases with IUDs
Choosing the right birth control method can be tricky. Women opting to use a long-term device without taking the pill were unsure of the risks involved. A new study has found that the chance of developing pelvic problems after starting to use an intrauterine device (IUD) was small.
Outcomes of Teen Sex Unclear
Do teens' early sexual experiences determine their reproductive health and behaviors later in life? It depends slightly on how long teens wait to start having sex.
HPV Shots Don’t Lead to Sex
One of the concerns expressed by some parents about the HPV vaccine is that getting it might encourage their daughters to have sex sooner. Not so, says a new study.
"Like" Safe Sex, You Might Do It More
What if "liking" a Facebook page could help you make better decisions or live healthier? For sexual health, there is some evidence that it can.
HPV Vaccine Has No Serious Side Effects
Since vaccine safety is often on some parents' minds, it's valuable news when an additional safety study is released. One on the HPV vaccine has just been completed.