Health News
High Blood Pressure Still Increases Stroke Risk
Patients with normal blood pressure that are considered prehypertensive still have a substantially higher risk of having a stroke, research has revealed.
Americans Unconcerned About Sodium Intake
Though sodium, mostly in the form of table salt, can be problematic for those with high blood pressure, few Americans know how much sodium they should consume each day and most seem unconcerned with their personal intake.
Red Wine Won't Reduce Hypertension
It's long been suspected that drinking a moderate amount of red wine offered the added benefit of lowering the risk of heart disease by reducing blood pressure.
Understanding Sodium's Link to Hypertension
Scientists have found a method for measuring sodium in the skin, which could help scientists better understand how too much of it leads to high blood pressure.
Increase in Statin Use After Stroke Urged
Though cholesterol-lowering statin drugs have been shown to help prevent a recurrent stroke or a heart attack, a recent study showed only about half are taking statins following a stroke.
Weeding Out Seaweed Benefits
Under the sea where the sea monsters live, the seaweed is always greener. Not only is it greener, seaweed might also have nutritional compounds to prevent heart disease.
Diabetes and the Night Pressure
Diabetes is more than a problem with blood sugar levels. The disease is associated with all sorts of other complications, including high blood pressure - a condition that may lead to even more problems.
U.S. Plan Announced to Cut Heart Attacks
Working vigorously to reduce cardiovascular deaths, U.S. health officials have announced a national program that partners with private insurance companies to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes over five years.
Stroke Risk Rising for Young Adults
American adults have gotten heavier and a sizeable percentage don't live a healthy lifestyle. Young adults and teens seem to be following in those same footsteps.
What About Natural Remedies for Hypertension?
Cardiologist John Bisognano, M.D., Ph.D. has patients coming in "carrying bags full of 'natural' products that they hope will help lower their blood pressure." He wanted to know which ones work.