Health News
The Benefits of Intensive Blood Pressure Control
Two new studies are arguing that more intensive blood pressure control could prevent heart disease in high-risk patients, as well as improve their quality of life.
Preventing Dementia
Various lifestyle changes and health interventions might theoretically prevent up to a third of dementia cases, according to a new report.
Salt and Blood Pressure in Kidney Disease
If you have chronic kidney disease (CKD), limiting your salt intake could help lower your blood pressure, a new study found.
The Benefits of Cutting Down on Salt
A policy that would reduce salt intake by 10 percent over 10 years could save millions of lives around the world, according to a new study.
The World's Blood Pressure May Be Rising
The number of people with high systolic blood pressure has been rising around the world in recent decades, according to a new study.
When Blood Pressure Readings Aren't Accurate
Your blood pressure in the clinic may not reflect your blood pressure outside the clinic, according to a new study.
Blood Pressure: Like Parent, Like Child
If your parents were diagnosed with high blood pressure before the age of 55, it could mean you have a higher risk of having it, too, a new study found.
High Blood Pressure Around the World
Across the globe, the number of people with high blood pressure has nearly doubled in 40 years, according to a new study.
High Blood Pressure and Your Brain
Your blood pressure and your brain health may be connected, according to a new scientific statement.
Blood Pressure Medications and Mental Health
What do blood pressure medications have to do with mood disorders? According to new research, there may be a link.