Health News

Belly Fat Predicts Heart Disease
Not all fat is created equal, especially when it comes to men with excessive weight around the middle. Some with added belly fat may be at an increased risk of developing heart disease and other serious health problems.
Type of Heart Disease Linked to Dementia
Dementia can be brought on by a number of risk factors. One of the most surprising that has recently been linked to the cognitive impairment, however, is a type of heart condition involving restricted arteries.
Egg Yolks Aren't All Bad
Egg whites are known to be the healthy part of an egg, while egg yolks are often discarded because they seem to lack nutritional value and increase risk for diseases. This may not be completely true.
Overweight kids develop more psoriasis
Overweight children have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis - and they are also at higher risk for heart disease that starts in childhood with higher cholesterol levels.
Heart Attacks Declining in UK
Much like the rest of the world, the United Kingdom has long grappled with trying to convince citizens to maintain healthier lifestyles in an effort to curb the risk of heart attacks.
Pine Tree Bark is as Big as its Bite
As many as 35 million adults in the U.S. may suffer with metabolic syndrome-- a group of risk factors including high blood pressure, obesity and high blood glucose levels.
Their Hearts Will Go On
Mammalian newborn hearts can heal themselves completely, according to new research from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Fast-Food Nation
Fast food -- which is tremendously high in fat and salt content -- remains a favorite food for a number of patients who have had a heart attack.
Tracking Triglycerides
Stroke risk in men and women increases with higher levels of non-fasting triglycerides (a type of blood fat), according to new research.
Burden of Obesity Gets Heftier
Obesity has been shown to contribute to fatal coronary artery disease, regardless of other risk factors such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.