Health News

Heart Check-Ups For Next-Of-Kin
Prevention is always best, but finding out what needs preventing is the first step. Family members of patients that suffered sudden cardiac death may have higher risk for heart trouble themselves.
When the Body Turns on Itself
Some people's immune systems produce antibodies that fight parts of their own bodies. These aren’t always a big deal. But sometimes they can contribute to stroke or miscarriage risk.
The Perfect Heart Attack Drug
Cocaine overdoses can often end up in heart attacks. But long-term habitual cocaine use can also change the structure of the heart to set it up for a heart attack not from an overdose.
Weight Loss Didn't Cut Diabetic Heart Risk
Losing weight has been shown to reduce the risk of heart problems and other complications of diabetes. However, one weight loss program did not seem to protect diabetes patients from heart-related risks.
Heart Problems Not Blocked by Beta-Blockers
Beta-blockers used to lower blood pressure are regularly prescribed for patients with coronary artery disease. However, new research suggests the medication may not lower the risk of recurrent heart events.
Smoking Bans Lower Heart Attacks
Anti-smoking rules now allow four out of five Americans to enjoy clean air in most public places. The icing on the cake showed a reduced chance of heart attack for non-smokers.
'Green Mile’ Actor Michael Clarke Duncan Dies
If you saw the movie “The Green Mile” – you know the man who played the gentle giant. Michael Clarke Duncan has died following complications from a heart attack he had two months ago. He was 54.
Platelet Inhibitor No Match for Plavix
Doctors are always looking to help patients with the latest technology and newest medications. But sometimes, the tried and true method may be the best way to go for heart attack patients.
Money Matters in Diabetes
Advances in our knowledge and treatment of diabetes have led to better outcomes for patients. Still, there may be a widening gap in outcomes between the rich and the poor.
Intense Blood Pressure Goals in Diabetes
People with diabetes face a higher risk of heart problems. While treating high blood pressure has been shown to protect against these complications, it remains uncertain what blood pressure target is best.