Health News

Living La Vida Loca in College
College students living on their own for the first time can live life a little too fully. It appears they haven't quite found a balance yet.
Lady Gaga Isn't Your Teen's Sexual Role Model
Adolescents may not be as influenced by rock stars and celebrities as once thought. Believe it or not, your children do not look to rock stars and celebrities as their sexual role models.
Healthy Sleep, Healthy Mind
A recent study from the Cleveland Clinic reported people getting six to nine hours of sleep per night were much more likely to have a high quality of life with less symptoms of depression.
A Grimm's Sleepy Fairy Tale
In The Grimm's Fairytale Rumplestilskin, a gnarly fellow stays up all night spinning straw into gold. Children who aren't getting enough sleep can become a grumpy Rumplestilskin too. This sleep deprivation can lead to bullying children at school.
Numbing Quality in Violent Video Games
Science fiction novels often portray a society where people have become numb to the violence around them. War torn countries' citizens also accept tanks filling their streets and impoverished children suffering. The same type numbness occurs in children when playing violent video games.
Sick and Abused
According to a study by Swedish researchers, children who are chronically ill are much more likely than healthy children to be victims of physical abuse.
The Dangers of Leaving the Light On
Keeping the lights on before going to sleep may have a negative influence on your health, according to a study to be published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism .
Third-Hand Smoke
Much research has been done that illustrates the dangers of second-hand smoke. Now, a new study shows that "third-hand smoke" is also harmful to your health.