Health News

Fitness Now for Good Blood Pressure Later
Being fit may make you look and feel great — and it could ward off future health risks like high blood pressure.
Live Long and Prosper: Global Wellness Increased
Good news for the people of Earth: people are living much longer than they were 20 years ago, and death rates have dropped for certain cancers, heart disease, stroke and other major diseases around the world.
New Treatment Helped More Patients Ditch Nicotine
If you can fight fire with fire, why not fight addiction to nicotine with another chemical?
Diet May Trump Glycemic Index
Lowering your risk for health problems like diabetes and heart disease through diet may be simpler than once thought. Patients may need to simply focus on eating healthy, natural foods in general, rather than worrying about how healthy foods affect factors like blood sugar.
Yoga May Cut Heart Disease Risk
Want to reduce your heart disease risk? Some sun salutations or warrior poses might help.
Age at First Period May Predict Heart Risk
Women who had their first period earlier or later than average may want to keep a close eye on their heart health and take action to lower their heart disease risk.
Heart Attack? Did You Talk to Your Doctor About Sex?
After a heart attack, patients are usually ready to get back to their lives — and that includes their sex lives. Most patients, however, do not talk to their doctors about whether it is safe to do so.
Exercise, Diet May Keep Arrhythmia in Check
The world’s most common heart rhythm disorder may increase the odds of stroke, dementia and other health problems. A heart-healthy lifestyle, however, may reduce these risks.
Memory Troubles May Predict Stroke Risk
Your education doesn't just put letters behind your name — if you have memory problems, your level of education could reveal important information about your health.
Getting Healthy May Improve Men's Fertility
Health problems that seem unrelated to men's fertility — like diabetes or high blood pressure — may damage men's sperm. And men can take steps that can both improve their overall health and make them more fertile.