Health News

Death Rate Lower for Stroke Patients with Therapy
Following a stroke, many people feel the need to reevaluate their lives, consider life expectations and ponder how it might affect the lifestyle they had lived previously.
Fishing Expedition Finds Genetic Link in PPCM
Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a rare disease that affects one in 3,500 pregnant women, weakens the heart so that it no longer pumps blood efficiently. The cause of PPCM has been unknown, until now.
Good Cholesterol Function Trumps Quantity
Your body is a mix of both good and bad cholesterol. It's necessary to have both kinds -- good to help prevent heart disease, but also bad, which should be monitored but that your body produces naturally. However, the function of cholesterol may be just as important as the levels.
A Pint of Pine
Are you looking for a natural supplement that can improve heart health? Researchers found Pycnogenol - pine extract - to be beneficial for patients who suffer heart failure.
The Drug Does the Job and Adds a Risk
All drugs have some sort of side effect. It's important to know what these side effects may be. Now, researchers are highlighting one possible risk for patients who are taking certain cholesterol drugs.
Smoking While Pregnant Lowers Good Cholesterol in Kids
It's no secret that smoking during pregnancy can lead to low birth weight or even miscarriage. But new research suggests smoking while pregnant can also affect children later in life.
Bettering Cardiac Arrest Survival
CPR has come a long way since its invention in 1960. It has saved countless lives and become a tool that even those without medical training can use to save loved ones.
Cardiac Patients Not Getting Needed Drugs
Millions suffer some from some type of heart disease; from high cholesterol to more complicated heart issues. For many patients treatment is as easy as a simple daily medication.
Heart Patients Transferred Too Late
Sometimes the closest hospital doesn't offer the procedures needed to save a heart attack patient. Quick transfers to another hospital for treatment is often needed within a half an hour. Most heart attack transfers are not happening fast enough.
Movie Star Doctor Promotes CPR
Star power has long been used to hock an untold number of products. Now the American Heart Association hopes to take advantage with the appearance of a well-known actor in promoting its Hands-Only CPR campaign.