Health News

More at Risk for Transient Heart Failure
Stress can bring plenty of undesired affects including a transient form of acute heart failure. It was suspected the cardiac disorder was fairly limited to postmenopausal women. Research suggests the risk pool is much greater.
A Better Choice Than Low Fat
A diet low in fat seems like an easy way to reduce your risk of heart disease. It might be easy, but research suggests it isn't all that effective. Instead, a modified-fat diet may be the best way to go.
First Stem Cell Stroke Trial Begins
Time is of essence when a stroke happens. Most traditional stroke treatments are given shortly after onset. A new clinical trial is testing the effectiveness of a stem cell therapy that could be given 19 days later.
Improving Post-Cardiac Arrest Outcome
Following cardiac arrest, one patient may recover quickly while another struggles with lingering symptoms. But interestingly enough, classifying patients might help improve patient outcomes — regardless of illness severity.
FDA Approves Cardiac Drug Ticagrelor
After a lengthy regulation process, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved blood-thinning drug Brilinta (ticagrelor) to treat patients with acute coronary syndromes.
Stroke Care Awareness Urged
Strokes can strike anyone one regardless of income, race, gender or insurance coverage. That doesn't necessarily mean that all groups are receiving adequate stroke care.
Heart Defibrillation with Less Pain
Scientists have found a way to end life-threatening heart arrhythmia without damaging tissue and with less pain. The condition was usually treated with defibrillation, a treatment that not only damages heart tissue but causes significant pain. The new method would cut the energy used by defibrillation by 84 percent.  If you have atrial fibrillation, ensure your cardiologist is aware of the LEAP device. Robert Gilmour, study co-author and a professor of physiology at Cornell University, said a traditional defibrillator stimulates all of the heart's cells at the same time. For a br...
FDA Panel Green Lights Edwards Heart Valve
After a full day of debate a U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel approved the Edwards Lifesceinces' Sapien transcatheter heart valve system in a 9-0 vote. One member abstained from voting.
Diesel Fuel Linked to Heart Attack
Compared to any number of dangerous situations someone can find themselves in, driving a car fueled by diesel hardly seems risky. But exhaust fumes may be deceptively nipping at heart health.
Quicker Heart Treatment for Married Men
Marriage comes with a number of benefits. One of the most important might be an edge when it comes to health. Married men have a clear advantage in getting quick medical treatment for a heart attack.