Health News

Red Wine Won't Reduce Hypertension
It's long been suspected that drinking a moderate amount of red wine offered the added benefit of lowering the risk of heart disease by reducing blood pressure.
Understanding Sodium's Link to Hypertension
Scientists have found a method for measuring sodium in the skin, which could help scientists better understand how too much of it leads to high blood pressure.
Soy Protein Reduces Clogged Artery Progression
There may be a window shortly after menopause in which women can slow the development of clogged arteries through a method as simple as taking soy protein supplements.
Cardiac Rehab Beneficial for Mini Strokes
Cardiac rehabilitation has long known to benefit stroke patients by warding off future heart problems. That same rehab also would be beneficial for patients who experienced a mild or mini stroke.
Poor at Higher Risk of Heart Disease Death
In addition to financial struggles, those that live in poor neighborhoods also may be getting shortchanged when it comes to protecting the health of their heart.
Half of Arrhythmia Patients Unaware of Stroke Risk
For patients with atrial fibrillation, a common heart arrhythmia, the most serious risk is their heightened susceptibility to stroke. But half of patients are unaware of the risk or choose to ignore it.
Traffic Fumes Increase Heart Attack Risk
Sitting in heavy traffic may be more than an annoyance. It also appears to make people more susceptible to a heart attack for a six-hour window after inhaling large amounts of fumes.
Increase in Statin Use After Stroke Urged
Though cholesterol-lowering statin drugs have been shown to help prevent a recurrent stroke or a heart attack, a recent study showed only about half are taking statins following a stroke.
Heart Attack Delays Still Problematic
Time is of essence during any heart attack, but fast treatment is especially critical following a type of heart attack in which there is a complete blockage of the blood supply to the heart.
Stents Help the Medicine Go Down
Patients who have previously suffered from a blood vessel blockage and received a medication-coated stent to prop the artery open may have a lower risk of developing another blockage or having a heart attack.