Health News

Walking Your Way Back to Brain Health
Relearning how to walk after a stroke or brain injury can be a difficult task. An innovative method for alternating walking patterns may aid patients in regaining their usual walking ability.
Strokes Increase in Third World
A country's wealth may have a lot to do with the likelihood that a person will have a stroke, and their chances of survival. Poor countries that spend less on healthcare have a higher rate of strokes and stroke deaths.
Women Have Weaker Hearts
When it comes to a heart attack men and women display differing symptoms. The differences don't end there. Women may have more difficulty recovering after a heart attack and their quality of life may be worse.
Hypertension Drug Heals Brains After Stroke
A common blood pressure medication may actually aid in healing the brain following a stroke. University of Georgia researchers found the drug appears to boost blood vessel growth on the brain's unaffected side.
Young, Healthy and Headed For Heart Disease
A large population of seemingly healthy young adults appear to show discrete signs of heart disease even though they may not have any of the traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Couch Potatoes Produce Heart Attack
No one really believed that sitting on the sofa watching television was doing any favors for our fitness level. But instead could such sedentary activities be affecting our hearts?
Safety of OTC Pain Meds
Drug regulators in Europe have decided to conduct another review of the cardiovascular safety of common over-the-counter pain medications called non-selective NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Heart Rehab Works -- If You Go
Cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack, surgery or for a heart condition can help patients live longer. This is especially true in the least fit patients --but they have to show up.
Managing Blood Pressure While Pregnant
Pregnant women who take high blood pressure medications in the first trimester are not putting their baby at risk of birth defects.  But not managing high blood pressure itself can increase many risks.
Stem Cells Repair Now Listed in Yellow Pages
A patient's own stem cells may be the key to repairing the heart after a heart attack. Though the cells might be scarce, in a twist that sounds like science fiction, they can be grown using stem cells from umbilical cord blood.