Health News

High Blood Pressure Linked to Depression in Pregnancy
For pregnant women, a history of high blood pressure before pregnancy means a higher risk of depression, which is also associated with postpartum depression and difficulty bonding with the baby.
Late Night Heart Attacks More Severe
There may be no way to predict when a heart attack will strike, but new research suggests that the day of day may indicate the severity. Late night heart attacks appear to be most devastating.
Everything in Moderation, Even Salt
For years, the health care community has agreed that people at risk of heart disease should lower their salt intake. Now, it seems that too little salt may be just as harmful as too much salt.
Blood Pressure a Harbinger of Brain Problems
More recently doctors have told patients that ambulatory blood pressure monitoring may be a more accurate predictor of high blood pressure. It also may be the best predictor of cognitive decline and small vessel brain disease among older individuals.
Too Little Salt May Increase Heart Risk
High salt consumption has long been associated with heart disease including hypertension, stroke and heart attack. Low levels of sodium also may negatively impact cardiovascular health.
Broken-Heart Syndrome Tends to Affect Women
Emotional turmoil can spur what's known as "broken heart syndrome," which has symptoms that while reversible, tend to closely resemble a heart attack. Women appear significantly more likely to be affected than men.
Novel Therapy Restores Blood Flow
Over time, bare metal stents implanted to prop open clogged arteries can narrow as scar tissue forms prompting concerns about reduced blood flow. A novel treatment appears to aid patients by improving blood flow.
Green Tea May Lower Cholesterol
Chalk up another benefit for green tea. Drinking the beverage or taking supplements containing compounds from the tea may reduce cholesterol by several points, potentially giving patients another tool in their arsenal for heart health.
Mediterranean Diet Protects Heart
Not all diets are created equal. Ditching the white bread and instead opting for unsaturated fats common in nuts, olive oil and avocados may offer added protection for the heart.
Walk Your Heart to Health
Hold off on getting a stent if you suffer from peripheral artery disease (PAD). A simpler and less invasive supervised exercise program may better improve walking ability in patients with clogged blood vessels to the legs.