Health News

Emergency Heart Attack Access Remains Limited
A larger number of hospitals are offering an emergency artery-opening procedure following a heart attack. This may do little to help patients though, since access to care has improved very little.
A MRI is a Better Heart Checker
Patients with coronary heart disease are often diagnosed following a battery of tests, some of which are invasive or require radiation. A better option allows patients to skip riskier or more invasive testing.
Protect Your Heart Over the Holidays
As you gather with you family to eat holiday treats and open gifts, don't forget about your heart. The excitement of the holidays means the tendency to overlook or skimp in protecting cardiovascular health.
Heart Failure Treatment Lowers Risk of Death
Patients with congestive heart failure can have a tough time finding an effective treatment. A recent study suggests cardiac re-synchronization therapy (CRT) may reduce re-hospitalization and the risk of dying.
FDA Approves Combo Hypertension Treatment
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have approved new combination hypertension drug Edarbyclor , which combines azilsartan medoxomil and chlorthalidone .
Vitamins May Still Reduce Stroke Risk
Several recent trials have suggested that vitamin therapy does not lower stroke risk. A pair of doctors is disputing those findings, instead pointing out they can be beneficial in higher doses.
Mommy Can I Have More Salt
Do you find that you're naturally inclined to dump salt on your food before even tasting it? Or perhaps you find that you rarely reach for the salt shaker? It may be a natural predisposition developed from exposure to sodium.
'Stuffing Your Face' Produces Heart Attacks
If you're planning to overindulge in food or alcoholic beverages over the holidays, make sure you don't overlook or blow off what could be a serious heart problem.
A Salty Issue
Excess sodium contributes to high blood pressure, and the individuals who may be best aware of that are policy makers focusing on salt consumption. Ironically, a recent review shows even that group consumes too much salt.
Live Longer With Hypertension Treatment
Drugs for hypertension may help you do more than reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke. They may also help patients life longer.