Health News
Fight Against AIDS Shows Improvements
More than 34 million people were living with HIV at the end of 2010, 30 years after the first AIDS case was reported - and nearly that many (around 30 million) have died from AIDS-related causes. Here in the United States, an estimated 1.1 million people are HIV-positive.
Drugs Found Effective for TB With HIV Infection
Activities that require daily maintenance can be tough to adhere to. New research shows that patients with TB can take drugs less often and for a shorter duration of time.
On Guard! For HPV with Gardasil
It only makes sense that, to eradicate a sexually-transmitted disease, both sexes need to be vaccinated prior to engaging in sexual activity, which would mean before puberty or early teens.
Hepatitis C May Be Stopped Dead in its Tracks
Three percent of the world's population are infected with the hepatitis C virus, which is a leading cause of organ transplants, liver cancer and liver-related deaths.
Importance of Regular HIV Testing
People in the high risk group for contracting HIV, which includes gay men, substance abusers, bisexual men and those with multiple sex partners should test once a year and always use condoms, especially when multiple partners are involved.
Aging HIV Drugs?
Much has been said about the exciting results achieved with antiretroviral drugs in treating HIV. They are groundbreaking, extending lives and helping eradicate the spread of these diseases.
Disrupting HIV Dance
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University have made more progress in figuring out how HIV survives in the body. The protein called Gag has been targeted for future vaccine development.
Debbie Does .... and Get STD's
Condom use is recommended for prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease between partners. Condom use is even more important when multiple sexual partners are involved.
Breakthrough Treatment With Incivek for Hepatitis C
It appears that a major breakthrough has occured in the treatment of a chronic liver disease. Remission looks to be a real possibility when telaprevir (Incivek) is combined with standard treatment for hepatitis C.
Hepatitis A Avoids the Immune System
Just when researchers were attributing hepatitis C's ability to become chronic was due to its superior ability to avoid the immune system, a new discovery was made. Hepatitis A can linger, too in the body for up to a year.