Health News

Big Mama, Big Babies, More Complications
Being overweight or obese during pregnancy can put women at a higher risk for gestational diabetes, which increases the risk of birth complications.
Too Much Alcohol, Too Little Growth
The risks related to drinking during pregnancy are not limited to fetal alcohol syndrome. A baby's exposure to alcohol before birth can also mean poor growth.
Overweight Pregnancy Affects Baby Growth
Being obese and pregnant can carry a range of risks to the mother during pregnancy, but it also has consequences for her baby, in the short-term and the long-term.
Q&A with Colic Expert Dr. Vartabedian
Becoming a new parent brings with it a host of challenges, not the least of which is learning your baby’s needs and how he or she expresses those needs.
Mama's Meds and Her Baby's Lungs
Pregnancy is an emotional time. As such, depression is a common problem during and after pregnancy. When pregnant women take depression medications, there can still be risks for their unborn children.
Babies' Brains Hindered by Alcohol
Fetal alcohol syndrome results when babies are exposed to high amounts of alcohol in the womb. It usually involves distinctive facial features - but not always. A recent study has found that children may have problems with brain development or behavioral development as a result of fetal alcohol syndrome even if their outward appearance doesn't show the symptoms of the disorder. Don't drink while pregnant. The study, led by Devon Kuehn, MD, of the Epidemiology Branch of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), was part of a long-term...
Good News About US Children
Ready for some good news about kids today? An annual federal report on children's well-being in the US has a lot of it, from birth outcomes to school performance to deaths.
Getting a Goldilocks Dose of Iron
Pregnant women need sufficient amounts of iron, which is included in most prenatal vitamins. But like many supplements, taking too much iron can have negative side effects.
H1N1 Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Women
There are several vaccines pregnant women are advised to get and several others they should avoid while pregnant. The flu vaccine is one pregnant women should consider.
The Best Baby Food Money Can't Buy
When expecting, it can be nerve-wracking to consider all the changes going on in your life and how to be ready to take care of this new, tiny, amazing creature.