Health News

DHA Supplements for Mom May Not Help Baby
Taking DHA supplements while you're pregnant isn't likely to help your child's IQ later on, according to a new study.
Thyroid Screening in Pregnancy May Be Unnecessary
Treating mildly low thyroid function during pregnancy might not be worth the trouble, according to a new study.
Tdap During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
Despite some past concerns, a new study found that getting the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy was not tied to an increased risk for microcephaly or structural birth defects.
The Importance of Folate in Pregnancy
Children of moms who had good folate levels during pregnancy may have a lower risk for childhood obesity, a new study found.
A Way to Protect Babies from the Flu
For babies younger than 6 months, influenza vaccination has not been proven to be successful. But a new study found a different way to protect babies from the flu.
Smoking May Put Baby's DNA at Risk
It's a well-known fact that smoking during pregnancy can harm the baby. Now, researchers may have a clearer picture as to why that is.
The Pill: Harmful in Early Pregnancy?
Could taking birth control pills while pregnant harm a developing baby? It's unlikely, new evidence suggests.
A Weighty Matter for Those Wanting to Get Pregnant
Losing weight may need to be a priority for heavier women who are thinking about getting pregnant.
C-Sections Might Be Too Common
The C-section has become extremely common in the US, but new evidence suggests that this might be dangerous to women and babies in some cases.
New Down Syndrome Test: More Accurate, More Limited
A new test might improve the accuracy of Down syndrome diagnoses.