Health News

From Cocktails to Cancer and Back
The human body is a wonderland of complex chemical reactions that both cause and ward off disease. Alcohol can throw the body out of sorts if the system doesn’t work just right.
Oral Cancer From Dip
Dipping or using chew may not cause lung cancer, but oral cancer is still a big risk. Smokeless tobacco products have nitrosamines , which can cause cancer at high levels.
Can Mindfulness Help Loneliness?
Loneliness among older individuals can be a significant risk factor for health problems like cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and even death.
Depression Can Shorten Lives
Being diagnosed with any advanced cancer is not happy news. So becoming depressed might be a natural response, but it's not a life-prolonging one.
Mental Illness Linked to Cancer Risk
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can be associated with various health problems. New research suggests that cancer risk is higher for people with these disorders.
Police Stress is Unhealthy
Working as a police officer is stressful; so stressful, it turns out, that police officers may have a higher risk for a variety of physical and mental health problems.
Can't Always Get What's Needed
Struggling with a cancer diagnosis is not uncommon. The sudden news can be particularly difficult and emotional. For those just starting an independent life as young adults, fighting cancer presents challenges.
Jamming the Lung Cancer Revolving Door
One of the unfortunate aspects of lung cancer is that it tends to have a high rate of recurrence. It can be treated successfully only to return, and that return often comes far too soon.
Cancer Trials Assess the Fire, not the Smoke
About 50 percent of all cancers are related to tobacco use, which also interferes with the effectiveness of treatments. A person's history with tobacco is important if they're participating in a cancer study. 
Emotional Stress Linked to Cancer Recurrence
Emotional stress and turmoil take a physical toll on our bodies as well. Stress and abuse have been linked to migraines, auto-immune syndromes, heart problems and now skin cancer.