Health News

Trust Your Feelings, Predict the Future
It has long been a human desire to be able to see into the future. While it may not be possible to become an oracle, having trust in your emotions may help you make better predictions about future events.
Husbands of Breast Cancer
Men taking care of their wives during breast cancer treatment undergo a significant amount of stress and anxiety. In fact, it could cause men’s health to decline - even years after the completion of cancer treatment.
Link Between Mom's Blues & Baby's Sleep
Moms spend so much energy focusing on their children's needs that it becomes easy to neglect their own needs. But taking care of mom also helps take better care of the little ones.
Environmental Disaster Divides Families
You might think that a disaster or serious illness affecting your family and community would bring people together - overcoming differences in the face of adversity.
Moody Memories
We all have happy memories, but we all have memories of sadder times as well. Some people are more likely to focus on the positive memories, but others focus on the negative. Until recently, nobody explored why.
To Stay Healthy as you age, Stay Active!
Psychological distress can make physical tasks harder to perform. Finding a fun, physical activity to stay active with for the rest of your life may be the best way to maintain health and independence.
Dog Day Afternoon - at Work
If you're feeling dog-tired at your dog-eat-dog workplace, consider asking the top dog for a special kind of stress relief - permission to bring your pet dog to work with you.
Healthy Teenagers are Happier
It may seem fairly typical when adolescents hit the teen years and begin experimenting with risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking and eating more junk food. It may seem like teenage rebellion that isn't uncommon; but new research shows that not only are these teens choosing unhealthy lifestyle options, they are also far less happy.
Alcoholics Often Had Traumatic Childhood
There are many reasons that a person may begin drinking heavily. Stress, depression, and mental health are all factors. One of the biggest reasons may be a traumatic experience or abuse during childhood. Previous studies have suggested that alcoholics are much more likely to have been physically or sexually abused as children. New research adds that emotional abuse and neglect may be equally important factors. Get professional help if you suspect child abuse. Markus Heilig , M.D., Ph.D., of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute on Drug...
Parental Teamwork: Harder With Violence
Couples that are living together have more trouble acting as a team if they are violent to one another. This is not extreme violence or domestic abuse, but common violent actions born from arguments or frustration.