Health News
Don't Throw These Leftovers Away
It's not uncommon to have leftover medications from a prescription you no longer need. If wisdom teeth sockets no longer hurt, most people stop taking the painkiller. But not everyone.
Hit the Books, Not the Bottle
College can be both an exciting and a rough transition from high school. Those who struggle with mental health issues may find it harder to stay in school.
New Drug Combo For Cocaine Addicts
Treating cocaine dependence is extremely tough. The science community is working towards making it a little easier with medication. A new trial has taken a step in the right direction.
Are Teens Overmedicated?
Are teenagers today being prescribed too many antidepressants, stimulants and other mental health drugs? Many doctors and parents believe so, but is there evidence for it?
Mental Health and Academic Performance Examined
It's well established that poor mental health can contribute to poor academic performance. The question is finding out which specific conditions can hurt teens' school success.
Just Try and Tamper With It
It’s no secret that opioid prescription abuse is a serious problem. Drug makers have tried reformulating opioid pills for anti-abuse and the rate of oxycodone abuse has dropped compared to the older version.
Pregnancy and Cocaine – A Bad Idea
It's challenging enough to raise headstrong toddlers. But toddlers and older kids whose mothers used cocaine during pregnancy? Their behavior can be especially difficult.
When NOT To Take Another One
Some people who abuse alcohol may avoid treatment because they fear they’ll never be able to drink again, even occasionally. Not all counselors agree that every case requires total abstinence.
Young Adults Taking 12 Steps
It can be tough for young addicts to get involved in 12 step groups full of older folks. But if they do find a 12 step group where they can really engage, success rates are high.
Your Brain on Stress & Drinking
Why do people drink when they’re stressed? And why do some people stop after a drink or two and others let things turn into problem drinking?