Health News

Get Healthy To Live With Colon Cancer
Diabetes and high blood pressure can both be difficult to manage alone or together. Throw colorectal cancer into the mix and the picture gets more complicated.
Global Health: 20 Years Changes Things
Twenty years ago, infectious disease in children was the highest risk factor for death and disability in the world. Today, it’s low-nutrient, high sodium diets, alcohol and tobacco.
Hormone Tied to Three Deadly Diseases
Your body is linked together through a complex system we still know little about. As such, diseases are related in ways still unknown. Now, researchers have pinpointed a hormone linked to three deadly diseases.
The Cost of Repression
The mind-body connection has interested people for centuries with more and more research showing that the two are completely connected.
Police Stress is Unhealthy
Working as a police officer is stressful; so stressful, it turns out, that police officers may have a higher risk for a variety of physical and mental health problems.
Stem Cell Transplant Recipients Prone to Problems
Stem cell transplant patients may not only be at risk during treatment. A new study suggests that a decade later they are still more susceptible to psychological conditions and chronic illness.
Weight Weighing Life Down
Weight management can be difficult at any age. It is important to achieve and maintain an ideal weight even as we age because life expectancy can decrease with excess weight.
Weight is a Weighty Topic
Current approaches for weight loss focus on controlling cravings, but resisting can be difficult when there’s a variety of available food. There may be a better way to lose weight.
States are Getting Wider
The obesity epidemic is a hot topic and continues to get hotter. Obesity rates have not been declining and it's literally a huge problem.
Natural Anti-Aging Agent - Strawberries
Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake are at it again - saving the world one person at a time by telling people strawberries are a delicious, healthy fruit that can fight diseases.