Health News
ADHD Treatment Lowered Car Accident Risk in Men
Safely driving a car requires concentration and focus, which might be difficult for those with ADHD. One new study looked at the relationship between ADHD and serious car accidents among adults.
Need for Weed Takes Its Toll
People that are dependent on marijuana may be using it to cope with a mental health disorder. Masking mental illness with weed can turn into dependence.
One Fish, Two Fish, Go Low-Mercury Fish
One of the foods pregnant women need to watch out for is fish. They are advised to avoid fish with too much mercury. But eating fish with lower mercury levels might be a good idea.
Give Your Brain a Break
" Buzzzzz !" A new text message. "Ding!" Another instant message. " Bloop !" A new email. And then you hear the music of your phone's ringtone. When does your brain ever get to rest?
Filling Prescriptions Before It’s Time
One of the more difficult forms of drug abuse to control among teens is prescription drug abuse. Prescription drugs, like stimulants prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can be abused for recreational purposes.
Predictive Behavior: Problems for Kids
Why is it that some children develop emotional or behavioral problems? The answer is complex but new research may help us better predict who will have problems so they can be addressed earlier.
TGIF Differs in ADHD
As readers digest this article, someone else in the world takes in a social drink with thoughts of relaxation. Unfortunately for those with ADHD, such a drink could have erratic cognitive consequences,
The Obstacles and Gifts of ADHD
It wasn't until her son was diagnosed with attention-deficit disorder (ADD) that Sandra Vitallo had a label for all the things she'd been feeling since childhood.
Food and Drug Addictions are Very Similar
Ever wonder why you can’t stop yourself from indulging in food? You might have a food addiction. There has never been a way of diagnosing or even treating food dependence — until recently.
Multitasking is Multi-Distracting!
You might be one of the 59% of Americans that use your computer and TV at the same time. Studies show that “multi-taskers” who think they can successfully divide their attention between TV & computers prove to be driven to distraction.