Health News

Afraid of the Dark? You're Not Alone
Being afraid of the dark isn't just a childish phobia. Many adults suffer from this phobia, and it may be an underlying factor contributing to insomnia.
Sleeping for Sanity
Recent studies have shown that many Americans are finding it harder and harder to get a decent amount of sleep, but why? Studies have pointed to physical issues, like obstructive sleep apnea, as well as mental health issues, like stress and depression. It's been proven that losing weight can greatly improve symptoms of sleep apnea. But what about treating mental health issues? In a question similar to the "chicken versus the egg" conundrum, could sleep problems traditionally thought to be symptoms of mental disorders actually be the cause of the mental disorders? Could treating sleep disord...
A Bump On The Head: The Risk of PTSD
A concussion is serious business. Even a mild hit on the head can cause neuronal damage. While these small damages may not drastically affect civilians, the risks could be greater for soldiers.
Another Weapon for Fighting Fear
While exposure therapy remains the first line of defense for post-traumatic stress disorder, it remains an imperfect treatment. But an inexpensive drug may enhance its effectiveness.
Sweet Smelling Herbal Treatment for Anxiety
The medicinal effects of many herbs are often exaggerated. But sometimes science supports these claims.
Anxiety Linked to Impulsivity in Depression
Impulsivity is the tendency to act without thinking ahead. People with major depressive disorder ( MDD ) or bipolar disorder may be more impulsive when they also have anxiety symptoms.
Battle Scars of Children who Beat Cancer
Beating cancer is wonderful for a child who can now live a full life. But some children who overcome cancer experience emotional scars from their experience with the disease.
Medical Experts Reverse Diagnosis Changes
If a teenager in your family reports hearing voices when no one is around, how concerned should you be?  If you feel both seriously depressed and very anxious, to the point where you are missing work, are you depressed, anxious, both, or neither?
Psychology Behind the Prostate Cancer Test
Scientists have piles of data showing that people simply don't understand or care about statistics.  Most people find numbers un-intuitive.
Living with OCD
Most people occasionally get a little obsessive about double-checking - how many times do you check for your ticket on the way to the airport? However, when this behavior goes from occasional and preventative to extreme and disruptive, it could be obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).