Health News
Reckless Drinking Related to Friends
The root cause of alcohol abuse is a complex issue with no single or easy answer. Developing intervention strategies will have to consider multiple risks and protective factors.
Nightcap May Not Help All Night Long
There is no doubt that drinking a lot of alcohol can make a person sleepy or pass out. But alcohol can affect how a person sleeps in more complex ways as well.
Why Do Minors Drink?
It’s no surprise when a study comes out and says teenagers who hang out with troublemakers are more likely to drink. But what makes some teens less likely to drink?
Drugs & Alcohol Lead to Dead Ends
What role do drugs and alcohol play in homicide and suicide deaths? Are men and women at different risks for drug or alcohol involvement with a violent death?
Watch Your Booze Ladies
There is a world of difference between having a cocktail and binging drinking. The body was not designed to process excessive alcohol in short periods of time. Specifcally with women.
Marketing Booze to Teens
If drinking looks cool in TV shows and feels good, why should teens stay sober? Most teens don't know or don't care that binge drinking is unhealthy and dangerous. Nor do alcohol advertisements show that part of drinking.
Can Recessions Increase Health Risks?
If you thought the effects of the economic recession were temporary, think again. National unemployment dips may have a surprising long-term effect on the very youngest generations.
Who's the Drunkest of Them All?
Many Americans may enjoy drinking on New Year's Eve, but they don't top the charts. In fact, the US is not even among the 25 "drunkest" countries in world alcohol consumption rates.
Teenager Brains on Booze
Teenagers aren’t allowed to drink because it’s dangerous. Not just accident-prone dangerous, but actual breakdown of the brain’s white matter dangerous.
Mixed Report Card on Teen Substance Use
Teens may be drinking and smoking less – but they are smoking out more. Cigarette smoking and alcohol use are at their lowest levels among teens while pot use has climbed.