Rectal CancerInfo Center
Fruit Flavonoid Voids Colon Cancer Activity
"Eat more fruits and vegetables" has been a loud and long-running health mantra. This advice is nothing to shrug off. Turns out a chemical in fruit may have anti-cancer benefits.
Weighing Down Life Before Colorectal Cancer
Obesity is a known risk factor for colorectal cancer. What has not been known, until now, is if and how the timing of the extra weight impacts life after diagnosis.
Cancer Has No Chance Against this Gene
Usually we hear about genetic mutations that can lead to cancer. New research has identified a gene that actually protects against cancer - a finding that could lead to the development of new drug therapies.
HPV Vaccines now Recommended for Boys
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is no longer just a concern for girls and women. Boys and men are vulnerable to this virus that's known to cause a number of different cancers.
Fruits and Veggies Do a Body Good
Many studies have shown that certain foods can reduce the risk for colorectal cancer, but those studies have sometimes produced conflicting results. New research suggests that by looking at the location of colorectal cancer, some of these dietary recommendations can make more sense.
Slow Down Drinking, Cancer May Be Waiting
Heavy drinking can cause many problems including liver failure and cancers –specifically colorectal cancer. Be cautious of how much you drink because risks increase as you drink more.
MRIs can Predict Disease Course
Because rectal cancer is usually discovered at an advanced stage, chemotherapy and/or radiation are often given to shrink the tumor before surgery. Measuring the effectiveness of these treatments can predict the course of the disease.
New Benefits of Folate and Folic Acid
Eating lots of green leafy vegetables has long been a staple of healthy eating. Researchers now say that folate may also lower the risks of colorectal cancer.
Cancer's Killer Jobs
You work long and hard, toiling away at a keyboard hour after hour. Well, like just about everything else in life these days, years of sitting could be hazardous to your health.
Processed Meats May Kill
In general, any kind of processed food is not your best choice to stay healthy. Recently researchers confirmed the link between processed meats and colorectal cancer. So, what should we do?