LeukemiaInfo Center
Back to Hospital after Stem Cell Transplant
Stem cell transplants can – and do – save the lives of very sick kids. New research has discovered that the transplant is often just the start of hospital stays for these young patients.
Completely New Way to Treat Childhood Cancer
Scientists have entered a brave new world when it comes to treating childhood leukemia. New therapies now being tested may completely change the way one type of blood cancer is treated in children.
Battling Fatigue Decades Later
Being tired after any type of cancer therapy is to be expected. Some survivors of childhood cancer, though, can still be battling fatigue many years later.
Closing in On Why Kids Get Cancer
With some forms of cancer, race matters. New research may explain why Hispanic children are more prone to a type of blood cancer.
Experimental Treatment May Extend Leukemia Survival
One of the challenges of leukemia is that it likes to return. Once the blood cancer comes back, it’s more difficult to treat and beat. Medical scientists are experimenting with a way to boost the body’s immune system to get in on the fight and win.
Keeping Track of CML
Staying on top of a chronic disease is key to staying well. Managing these diseases can be tricky. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a great example.
Cancer Risks of Cancer Treatment
You do what you can – what you’re told – to beat the cancer. Chemotherapy is recommended and it works. Years later, though, you’re diagnosed with a blood cancer that could be related to the chemotherapy. Is this really happening?
Living With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
People diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) are living longer than ever before. A number of effective therapies are available for all phases of the disease, but living with CML has its challenges.
Finding the Path of No Return for Kids with Cancer
The cure rate for one type of blood cancer that affects children - acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) – is now about 80 percent. For the remaining 20 percent of kids who develop the disease, the outlook can be dire.
Paradigm Shift - Healthy vs. Cancerous Cells
If you focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you’re less likely to get sick. That’s simple logic. Researchers now think this approach might be an effective way to treat cancer.