Emotional HealthInfo Center

For Women, Sex is Like Fine Wine
Women may not have as much sexual desire once they're well past middle age, but they are still enjoying it - and their sexual satisfaction improves as they age.
A Nap a Day Keeps Tantrums Away
Skipping a nap - even for one day - has a significant effect on toddlers' ability to express enthusiasm and deal with frustration according to a recent study.
Distress Released with Blogging
Teens suffering from social anxiety may have a trendy means of therapy available right at their fingertips, a new study infers.
Do Downward Dog for Better Downtime
If menopause is keeping you up at night, consider using part of your days for yoga sequences that a study has shown will help reduce that insomnia.
Playtime Aids Classroom Success
Recent research highlights the importance of keeping physical education classes. The research shows physical activity enables children to perform better in class.
Comparing Childhood Mental Illnesses
When do mental illnesses start to display symptoms? A recent study shed light on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children, and the differences between the United States and another country.
Let Sleeping Teens Lie
Teenagers with Type 1 diabetes may not be getting enough quality sleep, leading to higher blood sugar levels and academic and behavior problems.
Some Sadness is OK for Babies
Although postpartum depression is known to negatively impact the mental development of babies, little has been researched regarding when this hindrance occurs.
After Life is Almost Lost
In television series such as Law and Order and CSI, producers tug at the heartstrings of viewers with scenes encapsulating the grief of victims and their loved ones, yet how many understand the real implications of such devastating trauma?
Wake Up, Doc
One way to reduce the risk of surgery complications or doctors' mistakes: make sure the doctor isn't overworked and under-rested.