Health News

Citrus Fruits Lower Stroke Risk for Women
Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits do more than function as a tasty snack. In women, a compound found in citrus fruits also appears to lower the risk of stroke.
Nutrition Affects Unborn Babys Immune System
Pregnant moms know that nutrition during pregnancy can impact a baby’s growth. But did you know that what you take into your body before you’re pregnant may be able to help your baby fight off disease?
Painless Heart Attacks Deadly for Women
Women, especially those that are younger, are more likely to suffer a heart attack without painful chest symptoms. A new study suggests they also are less likely to survive.
Endometriosis Increases Risks of Ovarian Cancer
Millions of women and girls in the United States and around the world suffer from the painful, chronic condition known as endometriosis. Recent research indicates this condition could be a risk factor for ovarian cancer.
A Faster Way to Treat Seizures
Prolonged seizures, called status epilepticus - a seizure that lasts more than five minutes – are serious, dangerous conditions that require immediate medical attention.
Flu Vaccine Protects Newborns in Multiple Ways-EMBARGOED 21-Feb-2012 12:00 ET
The flu vaccine can do more than protect a pregnant mother and her baby from the flu. It also appears to reduce the risk of having an underweight baby.
Pregnancy Complications Can Predict Heart Disease
Pregnancy-related complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia may not just put your health at risk in the short term. Such pregnancy disorders also may affect your risk of heart disease later in life.
Mom's Double Whammy: Migraines and Colic
What's worse than a decapitating migraine for a new mom? The nonstop crying of her colicky newborn every night. Turns out the two might be linked.
Fight Menopause With a Strong Heart
Menopause, which is the end of menstruation and fertility, causes many changes in a women’s health. A new study shows that a hormone may help fight age-related arterial stiffness, a condition that’s associated with menopause.
RA and Lupus Reduce Fertility
Living with an autoimmune disease poses many problems for women. For women who are diagnosed during their reproductive years, it may affect your childbearing choices and your ability to have a baby.