Health News

How You Get Pregnant Can Signal Health Risks
In vitro fertilization can help infertile women get pregnant. But getting pregnant using in vitro may also put the pregnant mom at risk for health problems.
Blood Clot Searching During Pregnancy
Pregnant women are at higher risk for blood clots, which can be fatal. Doctors use ultrasound tests to look for clots, but it's not clear whether those tests are good enough.
Pregnancy - a Snapshot of Later Health
Pregnancy is a great time to see how well your body does under stress. Some women get hypertension when they're pregnant. These women have a greater chance of having it again. 
Is Pre-Eclampsia Bad for the Heart?
A common pregnancy complication is pre-eclampsia. It involves high blood pressure and has been linked to later heart disease. But not all women with it have the same risks.
More Than Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a biggie among middle-aged women. But common effects of menopause can differ around the world. New research has identified a number of different symptoms among menopausal women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
Watch For These 5 Factors Before HRT
Hormone replacement therapy is one of the most popular and effective treatments for the symptoms of menopause. But it has been plagued by conflicting information about its risks.
Managing Hypertension While Pregnant
If you have a chronic condition and become pregnant, it may mean different treatment during the pregnancy. High blood pressure is one such condition, and it's becoming more common.
Multiple Risk Factors Linked to Preemies
Marijuana is often thought of as a drug that causes relatively little harm compared to other street drugs. But that may not be the case if you're carrying a little one to term.
Selecting Which Birth Control Matters
Several birth control pills have been linked to blood clots in women who use them, but sufficient evidence about similar risks from hormone contraceptive besides the Pill is lacking.
Should Your OB/GYN Care for Your Heart?
The doctor many women know best - and see most often is their OB/ GYN . So, your OB/ GYN may be the best person to screen you for cardiovascular risk factors along with your annual exam.