Health News

Thousands of Americans Kicking the Habit
Quitting smoking can be one of the best decisions a person can make, but convincing someone to kick the habit can be hard. A national campaign has figured out some new ways to approach the problem.
E-Cigs Popular Among Young Students
Most smokers pick up the habit when they are teenagers. And regular tobacco cigarettes may not be the only thing teens are smoking. Now, electronic cigarettes appear to be attracting young students at a faster pace each year.
Facebook Friends May Foster Risky Behavior
In the age of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, peer pressure can take on a whole new meaning. Kids might be influenced by friends at school and social events — or by what they see posted online.
Fewer Heart Attacks After Kicking the Habit
Smoking is hard on a person’s heart. Fortunately, quitting smoking can help people live longer, heart-healthier lives.
Shorter Lifespan With Cigarettes
Smoking can shave years off a person’s life and lead to an early death. Even if a man lives into his 70s, smoking can still steal several years of life.
Menthols Remain Popular With Teens
Menthol cigarettes are no safer than regular cigarettes. But the unique flavor and “cooling” effect may be especially appealing to teens and young adults.
Too Many Teens Smoking, Drinking, Using
It’s not exactly a surprise to hear that some teens may drink, smoke or use drugs. But the sheer number of teens engaging in these behaviors may be a bit of a shock.
Smoking Losing Popularity Among Teens
Smokers tend to pick up the habit earlier rather than later in life. Fortunately, getting ahold of cigarettes has become tougher and fewer teens are lighting up these days.
Stop Smoking in Teens Before It Starts
Smoking is linked to many more health problems than bad breath and lung cancer. The key to preventing the health issues is to prevent children and teens from starting to smoke in the first place.
Quitting Smoking for Your Baby — Before Birth
Quitting smoking at any time is tough. The extra effort to quit smoking while pregnant, however, can significantly benefit your baby.