Health News

Arthritis Limiting Activity for Millions of Americans
You want to hop on the bike, hit the tennis court or work on the car, but stiffness in the joints causes you to hold off. This may be a problem shared by millions of Americans, new research shows.
Lack of Social Ties Linked to Pain after Hip Replacement
If you're a social butterfly, it may do you some good if you're about to undergo hip replacement surgery.
Arthritis and Depression: It's Not All In Your Head
Arthritis, which can lead to painful bones and joint damage, is a physical condition. However, according to recent research, it may also affect patients' mental health.
The Ache on the Joints of Bigger Women
Excessive pounds can put added pressure on the joints of obese individuals. Man or woman, that added pressure may contribute to arthritis. But new research suggests that obesity may have a bigger impact on arthritis in women than in men.
The Kind of Arthritis Matters in Surgery
Arthritis is painful, no matter the cause. If hip surgery is needed, though, patients with one kind of arthritis could benefit longer down the line compared to patients with the other kind of arthritis.
More Pain, More to Gain from New Joints
With the aging population of baby boomers, the number of joint replacement procedures is rising steadily. But the risks and benefits of surgery might not be the same for every patient.
Faces of Arthritis in May
There's osteoarthritis. And rheumatoid arthritis. And infectious arthritis, childhood arthritis, Still's disease, lupus, Sjogren's disease and many more. In total, there are more than 100 kinds of arthritis.
Arthritis May Shape Your Social Life
Arthritis symptoms can get in the way of many social activities, which can affect quality of life. So researchers wanted to know which aspects of arthritis most affected social life.
Using the Mind to Reduce Inflammation
If you're in pain, you probably don't feel great. If you're emotionally frustrated or upset, it can make your pain worse. So then how do you break the cycle?
Post-Surgery Problems for RA Patients
When arthritis causes permanent joint damage, many patients turn to joint replacement surgery. While hip and knee replacement surgeries can lead to huge improvements, they still carry serious risks.