Health News

Watch Your Booze Ladies
There is a world of difference between having a cocktail and binging drinking. The body was not designed to process excessive alcohol in short periods of time. Specifcally with women.
Beta Blockers May Protect the Brain
High blood pressure has been linked to higher risk of dementia. Using certain high blood pressure drugs may protect the brain from damage.
Smoking Hurts Bypass Odds
There are a lot of reasons to quit smoking. Improved outcomes in bypass surgery is one of them. Quit now and be healthier sooner and later.
Who's the Drunkest of Them All?
Many Americans may enjoy drinking on New Year's Eve, but they don't top the charts. In fact, the US is not even among the 25 "drunkest" countries in world alcohol consumption rates.
A Weak Heart, a Broken Heart
The mind-body connection is more than just the fact that your mind exists within your body. Researchers are discovering more every day about how the two interact.
How to Keep Strokes Away as You Age
As people approach old age, they have an increased risk of depression and stress. This can lead to physical strain on the body. It can also put them in the express lane for diseases.
Global Health: 20 Years Changes Things
Twenty years ago, infectious disease in children was the highest risk factor for death and disability in the world. Today, it’s low-nutrient, high sodium diets, alcohol and tobacco.
Caregivers: Take Care of Yourself, Too
Caregiving is tough on healthy lifestyle maintenance. Blood relative caregivers to cardiovascular disease patients must take extra care with a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Heart Health for the Mentally Ill
Don’t be afraid to speak openly with a physician about medical needs. People with severe mental illness can also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol in need of management.
More Than Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a biggie among middle-aged women. But common effects of menopause can differ around the world. New research has identified a number of different symptoms among menopausal women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.