Health News

A Black Eye in Teen Romance
Patterns of violence in romantic relationships often start young. And the effects of dating violence in the teen years carry over into the adult years.
Know Thy Neighbor… and His Parents
Teenagers' parents can make a difference in whether their kids drink, smoke or use marijuana, based on past research. But the parents of teens' friends play a part too.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
What’s the best way to teach kids how to become responsible drinkers in adulthood?  Have the family and environment be a good, consistent example.
Teens Do More Drugs During Summer Break
The summer months are a time for rest and relaxation. For some teens though, they can also be a time for risk taking and substance abuse.
American vs. EU = It's a Draw
Ready for some good news about teenagers and smoking and drinking? Kids in the U.S. are doing less of both than their peers across the pond.
Why Do Pregnant Women Light Up
Despite the disturbing images being added to cigarette packs and the Surgeon General's warnings against smoking while pregnant, some women are lighting up while pregnant anyway.
Alcohol While Pregnant is Worse Than Cocaine or Pot
Children exposed to as little as half an alcoholic drink a day in utero - even if they didn't have fetal alcohol syndrome - appeared to suffer in their achievement test scores.
Befriend Your Child
Forming a close relationship with your teenager might have its ups and downs, but research suggests open communication promotes individual decision-making, even if the talk is not all that agreeable.  
Sweet Sixteen Gone Sour
A study finds that by the age of 16, bad habits and lifestyles are at the "point of no return," especially among women.