Health News

Multivitamins May Supplement Cancer Survival
About a third of Americans take a multivitamin with minerals — the most commonly used type of dietary supplement in the US. A new study looked at the impact of this use on breast cancer survival.
An Hour a Day to Keep Breast Cancer Away
Research has demonstrated that physical activity lowers the risk of breast cancer. What hasn’t been clear are the specifics – how long and how intense the exercise needs to be to cut risks. A new study drills down on how exercise can reduce a postmenopausal woman's chances of developing breast cancer.
Ladies, Wanna Cut Your Cancer Risks?
It’s now thought that a large proportion of cancers are associated with carrying too much weight. Nearly half of all cases of one type of female cancer are linked to obesity. Researchers have drilled down on weight and uterine cancer risks.
Breast Cancer Survivors Swelling
Women who’ve lived through breast cancer often experience lingering effects from treatment. One of those effects is arm swelling. Researchers recently defined how often this swelling occurs, which women are most at risk and what can be done to help prevent the condition.
Breast Cancer Survivors Get Healthier
There’s nothing like a cancer diagnosis to make a person sit up and take notice of how they’ve been taking care of themselves. So do breast cancer survivors engage in healthier habits after treatment?
A Workout a Day May Keep Cancer Away
There have been several advances in breast cancer treatment. But it is natural to wonder if you could do something to avoid the disease. Researchers believe exercise may help fight off breast cancer.
Fatty Fish Slim Breast Cancer Risks
You may have heard that fatty fish is good for you. Tuna, sardines and salmon contain a type of fat that helps the immune system and blood vessels. Scientists are now finding that fatty fish may help lower cancer risks.
Exercising is Fun with Phone Support
It's easier to be active when there's someone to keep you in line. Some cancer patients can stay on track with the help of a phone buddy.
The Value of Physical Activity & Diet in Cancer Prevention
Though most women in general know what it takes to be healthy, not every woman knows what it takes to prevent cancer. Some claim they are doing what it takes to keep cancer at bay, but reports say otherwise.
Moving Beyond Breast Cancer
Being physically active is one of the best things breast cancer survivors can do for themselves. Are they moving? Recent research tracked the physical activity patterns of breast cancer survivors.