Health News

Food Allergy from the Outside In
Kids with eczema often itch. Eczema has also been linked to food allergies for some time. New research adds some insight into how this connection happens.
For Kids, Eczema is More Than an Itch
Itchy skin is just one of the things eczema patients have to deal with. When kids have eczema, they could have more health conditions beyond the skin.
Mommy's Mouth: Super Pacifier Cleaner
You're out with your baby and the pacifier falls on the ground. You pop it in your mouth to "clean" it and give it back to your baby. Can that simple act affect your baby's future allergies?
Warts Love Family and Friends
Most of the public health prevention information related to skin warts relates to public places, like swimming pools. But are these really where warts are most commonly passed on?
Does Baby Formula Need Prebiotics?
Prevention of allergies in children is a murky science. Some parents may add prebiotic supplements to baby formula in the hopes that the prebiotics could reduce allergy risk.
Close-"Nit" Combs Get It Done
When killing lice isn't an option, consumers just want the best way to comb them out. Metal combs with close-knit teeth are the best option, a new study has found.
Itch Stops Here
It can be hard to kill the tiny bloodsuckers invading kids' hair. And with the chemicals involved, safety of the lice treatment can come into question. But a new study has found that on-the-hair treatments with ivermectin can be used safely and it works well.
Bigger Kids' Waistline Tied to Skin Problem
Across the globe, kids with chronic itchy skin problems may have to deal with their pant sizes as well. New research shows the growing link between the red, flaky patches in psoriasis and bigger waistlines among children.
Breastfeeding Doesn't Fight Off Eczema
Breastfeeding for the first six months of life is recommended by the National Institutes of Health and most doctors. Babies who are breastfed gain vital immunities, are less likely to become obese, and are protected against common childhood illnesses and infections.